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What's Available Now? (Northern Hemisphere)

Green rows with a New icon are new this month.
Yellow rows with a warning icon are leaving next month.

Month: (not added yet)

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Image Name Time
Location Price
agrias butterfly agrias butterfly 8 am – 5 pmNear flowers3,000
ant ant All dayOn rotten turnips80
Atlas moth Atlas moth 7 pm – 4 amOn trees3,000
bagworm bagworm All dayShake tree600
banded dragonfly banded dragonfly 8 am – 5 pmFlying4,500
Newblue weevil beetle blue weevil beetle All dayOn trees800
Newbrown cicada brown cicada 8 am – 5 pmOn trees250
Newcicada shell cicada shell All dayOn trees10
citrus long-horned beetle citrus long-horned beetle All dayOn tree stumps350
common bluebottle common bluebottle 4 am – 7 pmNear flowers300
Newcyclommatus stag cyclommatus stag 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees8,000
darner dragonfly darner dragonfly 8 am – 5 pmFlying230
diving beetle diving beetle 8 am – 7 pmOn rivers or ponds800
drone beetle drone beetle All dayOn trees200
Newearth-boring dung beetle earth-boring dung beetle All dayGround300
emperor butterfly emperor butterfly 5 pm – 8 amNear flowers4,000
Newevening cicada evening cicada 4 am – 8 am
4 pm – 7 pm
On trees550
flea flea All dayOn a flea-infested villager70
fly fly All dayOn garbage60
Newgiant cicada giant cicada 8 am – 5 pmOn trees500
Newgiant stag giant stag 11 pm – 8 amOn trees10,000
giant water bug giant water bug 7 pm – 8 amOn rivers or ponds2,000
Newgiraffe stag giraffe stag 5 pm – 8 amOn trees12,000
Newgolden stag golden stag 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees12,000
goliath beetle goliath beetle 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees8,000
Newgrasshopper grasshopper 8 am – 5 pmGround160
great purple emperor great purple emperor 4 am – 7 pmNear flowers3,000
hermit crab hermit crab 7 pm – 8 amBeach1,000
Leavinghoneybee honeybee 8 am – 5 pmNear flowers200
Newhorned atlas horned atlas 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees8,000
Newhorned dynastid horned dynastid 5 pm – 8 amOn trees1,350
Newhorned elephant horned elephant 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees8,000
Newhorned hercules horned hercules 5 pm – 8 amOn palm trees12,000
jewel beetle jewel beetle All dayOn tree stumps2,400
long locust long locust 8 am – 7 pmGround200
Madagascan sunset moth Madagascan sunset moth 8 am – 4 pmFlying2,500
man-faced stink bug man-faced stink bug 7 pm – 8 amOn flowers1,000
mantis mantis 8 am – 5 pmOn flowers430
Newmiyama stag miyama stag All dayOn trees1,000
mosquito mosquito 5 pm – 4 amFlying130
moth moth 7 pm – 4 amLit windows130
orchid mantis orchid mantis 8 am – 5 pmOn white flowers2,400
paper kite butterfly paper kite butterfly 8 am – 7 pmNear flowers1,000
pondskater pondskater 8 am – 7 pmOn rivers or ponds130
Queen Alexandra's birdwing Queen Alexandra's birdwing 8 am – 4 pmFlying4,000
rainbow stag rainbow stag 7 pm – 8 amOn trees6,000
Rajah Brooke's birdwing Rajah Brooke's birdwing 8 am – 5 pmNear flowers2,500
Newrobust cicada robust cicada 8 am – 5 pmOn trees300
rosalia batesi beetle rosalia batesi beetle All dayOn tree stumps3,000
Newsaw stag saw stag All dayOn trees2,000
Newscarab beetle scarab beetle 11 pm – 8 amOn trees10,000
scorpion scorpion 7 pm – 4 amGround8,000
snail snail All dayRock (rain)250
spider spider 7 pm – 8 amShake tree600
stinkbug stinkbug All dayOn flowers120
tiger beetle tiger beetle All dayGround1,500
tiger butterfly tiger butterfly 4 am – 7 pmNear flowers240
Newwalking leaf walking leaf All dayGround600
Newwalking stick walking stick 4 am – 8 am
5 pm – 7 pm
On trees600
wasp wasp All dayShake tree2,500
wharf roach wharf roach All dayBeach (rocks)200


Image Name Time
Location Shadow
anchovy anchovy 4 am – 9 pmSeaSmall200
angelfish angelfish 4 pm – 9 amRiverSmall3,000
arapaima arapaima 4 pm – 9 amRiverHuge10,000
arowana arowana 4 pm – 9 amRiverLarge10,000
barred knifejaw barred knifejaw All daySeaMedium5,000
barreleye barreleye 9 pm – 4 amSeaSmall12,000
betta betta 9 am – 4 pmRiverSmall2,500
black bass black bass All dayRiverLarge400
Newblue marlin blue marlin All dayPierHuge10,000
bluegill bluegill 9 am – 4 pmRiverSmall180
butterfly fish butterfly fish All daySeaSmall1,000
carp carp All dayPondLarge300
catfish catfish 4 pm – 9 amPondLarge800
clown fish clown fish All daySeaTiny650
coelacanth coelacanth All daySea (Rain)Huge15,000
crawfish crawfish All dayPondSmall200
crucian carp crucian carp All dayRiverSmall160
dace dace 4 pm – 9 amRiverMedium240
dorado dorado 4 am – 9 pmRiverVery Large15,000
freshwater goby freshwater goby 4 pm – 9 amRiverSmall400
frog frog All dayPondSmall120
gar gar 4 pm – 9 amPondHuge6,000
giant snakehead giant snakehead 9 am – 4 pmPondVery Large5,500
giant trevally giant trevally All dayPierVery Large4,500
goldfish goldfish All dayPondTiny1,300
great white shark great white shark 4 pm – 9 amSeaHuge (Fin)15,000
guppy guppy 9 am – 4 pmRiverTiny1,300
hammerhead shark hammerhead shark 4 pm – 9 amSeaHuge (Fin)8,000
horse mackerel horse mackerel All daySeaSmall150
killifish killifish All dayPondTiny300
koi koi 4 pm – 9 amPondLarge4,000
mahi-mahi mahi-mahi All dayPierVery Large6,000
NewNapoleonfish Napoleonfish 4 am – 9 pmSeaHuge10,000
neon tetra neon tetra 9 am – 4 pmRiverTiny500
nibble fish nibble fish 9 am – 4 pmRiverTiny1,500
Newocean sunfish ocean sunfish 4 am – 9 pmSeaHuge (Fin)4,000
olive flounder olive flounder All daySeaVery Large800
pale chub pale chub 9 am – 4 pmRiverTiny200
piranha piranha 9 pm – 4 am
9 am – 4 pm
pop-eyed goldfish pop-eyed goldfish 9 am – 4 pmPondTiny1,300
Newpuffer fish puffer fish All daySeaMedium250
rainbowfish rainbowfish 9 am – 4 pmRiverTiny800
ranchu goldfish ranchu goldfish 9 am – 4 pmPondSmall4,500
red snapper red snapper All daySeaLarge3,000
ribbon eel ribbon eel All daySeaThin600
saddled bichir saddled bichir 9 pm – 4 amRiverLarge4,000
saw shark saw shark 4 pm – 9 amSeaHuge (Fin)12,000
sea bass sea bass All daySeaVery Large400
sea horse sea horse All daySeaTiny1,100
snapping turtle snapping turtle 9 pm – 4 amRiverVery Large5,000
squid squid All daySeaMedium500
suckerfish suckerfish All daySeaHuge (Fin)1,500
surgeonfish surgeonfish All daySeaSmall1,000
Newsweetfish sweetfish All dayRiverMedium900
Leavingtadpole tadpole All dayPondTiny100
tilapia tilapia All dayRiverMedium800
whale shark whale shark All daySeaHuge (Fin)13,000
zebra turkeyfish zebra turkeyfish All daySeaMedium500


Image Name Time
Movement Shadow
abalone abalone 4 pm – 9 amUnknownUnknown2,000
acorn barnacle acorn barnacle All dayStationaryUnknown600
gazami crab gazami crab All dayUnknownUnknown2,200
Newgiant isopod giant isopod 9 pm – 4 am
9 am – 4 pm
Very fastUnknown12,000
gigas giant clam gigas giant clam All dayUnknownUnknown15,000
Newhorseshoe crab horseshoe crab 9 pm – 4 amUnknownUnknown2,500
mantis shrimp mantis shrimp 4 pm – 9 amUnknownUnknown2,500
Newmoon jellyfish moon jellyfish All dayUnknownUnknown600
mussel mussel All dayUnknownUnknown1,500
octopus octopus All dayUnknownUnknown1,200
pearl oyster pearl oyster All dayUnknownUnknown2,800
scallop scallop All dayUnknownUnknown1,200
sea anemone sea anemone All dayStationaryUnknown500
sea grapes sea grapes All dayStationaryUnknown900
sea pineapple sea pineapple All dayUnknownUnknown1,500
sea slug sea slug All dayUnknownUnknown600
sea star sea star All dayUnknownUnknown500
sea urchin sea urchin All dayUnknownUnknown1,700
Leavingseaweed seaweed All dayStationaryUnknown600
slate pencil urchin slate pencil urchin 4 pm – 9 amUnknownUnknown2,000
spotted garden eel spotted garden eel 4 am – 9 pmUnknownUnknown1,100
tiger prawn tiger prawn 4 pm – 9 amUnknownUnknown3,000
vampire squid vampire squid 4 pm – 9 amVery fastUnknown10,000
whelk whelk All dayUnknownUnknown1,000